What Happens at UXCE?

UXcamp Europe takes place once a year over a weekend in Berlin. It kicks off with a Friday evening “Warm-Up Gathering” and continues with two full days of “sessions and networking” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The weekend wraps up with a “Blow Out Party” on Saturday evening, a perfect opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow UXers. For more details, check out our SCHEDULE page.

On the day!

At UXcamp Europe, anyone can host a session! Every morning starts with a “Welcome & Session Planning”, where we guide you through the process and invite attendees to pitch their session ideas. Once the schedule is set, you're free to choose the sessions that interest you most.

We make sure you're well-fed with delicious lunch breaks, and there’s time to chat between sessions. Finally, on Sunday afternoon, we wrap things up with an emotional “Closing” ceremony, where we say goodbye, tidy up, and — yes — wipe away a few tears.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Barcamp rules

As a BarCamp we follow the international Rules of BarCamp which we like to share and remind our participants of. Please remember we are big but still a BarCamp at heart, not a commercial conference.

  • COMMUNITY AND INFORMATION : BarCamp is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.

  • NO SPECTATORS, ONLY PARTICIPANTS : Attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one, or otherwise volunteer / contribute in some way to support the event. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall. The people present at the event will select the demos or presentations they want to see.


  • 1st Rule: You do talk about BarCamp.

  • 2nd Rule: You do blog about BarCamp.

  • 3rd Rule: If you want to present, you must write your topic and name in a presentation slot.

  • 4th Rule: Only three word intros.

  • 5th Rule: As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.

  • 6th Rule: No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.

  • 7th Rule: Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.

  • 8th Rule: If this is your first time at BarCamp, you HAVE to present. (Ok, you don't really HAVE to, but try to find someone to present with, or at least ask questions and be an interactive participant.)

Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.

Adapted from: barcamp.org

Code of conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensuring a safe environment for everybody.

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers.

Need Help? Please contact a member of the conference organizers, we'll be wearing colored t-shirts throughout the event. Or write us, our contact details are in the emails we've sent.

about sessions

The 45-minute sessions are at the core of every BarCamp and provide ample time for presenting a short talk, discussing new ideas or sharing case studies followed up by an open discussion.

Every UXcamp Europe participant is strongly encouraged to host a session, either individually or as part of a small team. However, it's not mandatory — you’re more than welcome to simply join sessions hosted by others!

If you have never held a session before or want to polish your presentation and pitching skills we have prepared some tips for a great session below.

Tips for a great session

UXcamp Europe is a one-of-a-kind event with a one-of-a-kind community. What makes it special are the contributions from the community. In true Barcamp fashion, our program is completely created by the community for the community, every morning, on the spot.

If you are planning to give a session, or think about planning to give a session, or are on the fence about thinking about planning to give a session, here are a few tips to get you started.

Try something new: UXcamp Europe is a great place to try public speaking when you don't normally do it. It's also a great place to try talking about something you don't normally talk about. We value our diversity of speakers and topics and encourage everybody to get involved.

1. Planning your session

Choose a topic: Talk about something that inspires you or that you are passionate about. You’ll be surprised how many people might feel the same.

Choose a format: You know best what works well for your session topic. However, these three types of sessions are common at UXcamp Europe:

  • A talk is a great way to explain a framework or a recent project you did.

  • A workshop is great for teaching a methodology or a technique in a hands-on way.

  • A group discussion is great to discuss a new idea or a new field of work.

Structure your session: If you can't find a structure for your session, try this simple outline:

  1. What is the problem? Get everybody on the same page here.

  2. What is the solution? Paint a picture of the future, with as much contrast as possible.

  3. What should we be doing now to get to the solution? This is your chance for a call to action.

Include your audience: Plan for sufficient discussion time (about 15min) in your session. People like to add their own experience to the topic that you prepared and make your session even more insightful for everybody.

Choose a language: We welcome all languages at UXcamp Europe. Keep in mind, however, that almost all sessions are held in English and no one will judge your English skills.

2. Pitching your session

Bring your session: Every morning we will all put together the program for the day. We have space for more than 100 sessions over two days, so every session is welcome at UXcamp Europe.

Write the session template: For the pitch we have prepared a template for you to fill out. It will help you to give a compelling and concise pitch, and it will also be the basis for the session board.

Pitch your session: Tell us what your session is about and what we will learn. Tell us if you want to do your session for beginners with the topic or for more experienced people. You have 30 seconds for the pitch.

Do it for the community: No need to advertise yourself, your services, or your product. The same goes for your employer. ;-)

3. Giving your session

Prepare yourself: The best way to combat stage fright is to be prepared. If you plan to use presentation slides for your session, make sure your computer is charged and you have a backup of your presentation somewhere.

Prepare the room: Bring everything you need for your session. All rooms in the venue are equipped with a projector and blackboard (the one with white chalk); there are no flip charts, whiteboards, sticky notes, pens, etc. The projectors have connectors for HDMI – bring adapters, then bring some more.

Keep the time: Every session is max 45 minutes. They are followed by a break to meet and network with your fellow attendees. Make sure your audience gets to enjoy these breaks.

Have respect and have fun: UXcamp Europe is a one-of-a-kind event with a one-of-a-kind community. Don’t take this for granted and don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it!



We have partnered with Deutsche Bahn to offer you discounted train tickets. You can start your journey to Berlin from anywhere within Germany at a very nice rate.

Book the tickets directly on the Deutsche Bahn website (same link in German).

New link coming. Ticket is requested.

Deutsche Bahn long-distance travel is completely powered by renewable electricity.

If you're coming from Belgium or the Netherlands, our friends at European Sleeper offer a nice discount for their night train. The discount is good for the trips on Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday around UXcamp Europe. Book the tickets


We encourage you to travel throughout Berlin by public transport. The venue is located close to an S-Bahn station. As a rule of thumb, if you know you'll use public transport at least three times in one day, a day pass will be cheaper.



If you plan to stay in Adlershof, where UXcamp Europe will take place - and where the Saturday party will take place - we have reserved a small contingent of hotel rooms at (Availability limited; Keyword: UXCamp 2025)

These hotels are certified for its sustainable management and powered by renewable electricity. 


If you want to travel together with other UXcamp Europe participants to Berlin, feel free to use our #travel Slack channel, same goes for #couchsurfing.

Get your ticket!

We offer a limited number of tickets, and they usually sell out within seconds after release. Make sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated and secure your spot!