600+ active participants from all over the world meet for inspiration, networking, and lots of fun in Berlin every year.
The program will be set up every morning during the camp
Request more details via: sponsoring@uxcampeurope.org
Video is hosted on YouTube.
Every year people from all over the world come together because they share the same passion: User Experience design.
We are called UXcamp Europe, but we welcome you wherever you are. This weekend there is only one nation: The United States of User Experience!
Everybody participates and everybody helps out. UXcamp Europe is from the community for the community.
Read the Rules of BarCamp if you have questions about the expected etiquette.
500+ people is a lot, but we are still a BarCamp, not a commercial conference. So the whole experience is what you make of it.
If you have an idea, please share it with everyone.
Besides the inspiring sessions we want everyone to have a good time. We will have plenty of food and drinks and a great party.
All this is only possible with the generous help from our sponsors.